There are lots of ways you can help raise funds for FOCCS...
Stikins Labels
Stikins supply multi purpose labels that can be used on clothing, shoes, lunch boxes and anything else you can think of!
By ordering name labels through them with our special code hopefully you will have fewer items to replace and FOCCS earns money at the same time!
When you order please add the School Fundraising Number: 4313.
Easy Fundraising
Simply by registering with Easy Fundraising and placing any orders for products from a range of commonly used companies (Amazon, Argos, ebay, John Lewis, Marks and Spencers, Tescos and many more) you can help us increase our revenue.
It is really easy and you can install a direct link on your desktop.
Secondhand Uniform
Donate wearable school uniform which FOCCS can then sell onto a new home to raise funds!
We welcome clean uniform in good condition. Unfortunately we are unable to accept non-logo sweaters or polo shirts.
Please deliver donations to the school office in a tied black bin bag to allow for quarantining.
You can also purchase secondhand uniform in our online shop - coming soon!
Amazon Smile
Visit Amazon Smile and select FOCCS as your nominated charity.
0.5% of the net purchase price will be donated to FOCCS!
Rag Bag Bin
Recycle old clothes (including paired shoes, handbags and belts) and soft toys in our Rag Bag bank by the Berryfield school entrance.
Rag Bag pay £300 for every tonne of textiles placed in our bank.
Fundraising facts
Every year we raise a substantial sum to support the school...
2020/21 | £7,565
2019/20 | £10,795
2018/19 | £18,137
2017/18 | £23,506
2016/17 | £22,544
2015/16 | £20,238
These funds are raised via cake sales, the May Fayre, the Christmas Fayre, secondhand uniform sales, quiz nights, Rag Bag bin collections, magic shows, parent donations, the Easter egg hunt, Christmas tree sales, school discos, Chrismas card sales and lots more!
FOCCS funds help supply with the school a multitude of equipment, activities and experiences.
"Put simply, we help the school do the fun stuff!"
This includes IT equipment (iPads and interactive whiteboards), a community kitchen garden, school radio equipment, the latest reading books, playground markings and equipment, free lunchtime clubs, special guest visitors, school trip transportation, plays and productions - the list goes on...